22 Fun Photography Ideas For You At Home

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 Are you looking for creative photography ideas that you can do at home in your own four walls? Then you are exactly right here. We'll show you 22 great photo ideas that you can easily implement at home.

For many, photography is always synonymous with being outside. But sometimes there are just days when for some reason you can't go out or you just don't want to.

The good news: Your own apartment is also full of photo opportunities. Maybe they aren't immediately apparent at first glance, but they are definitely there.

Just see it as a challenge that also trains your photographic eye.

In this article, we're going to give you 22 cool ideas for taking photos at home.

With our creative suggestions, you can easily spend a few weeks in your own four walls without having to do without photography.


Photo ideas for home

We have put together a colorful mix of photography topics and divided the article into three parts:

  1. Creative motifs for the home: Photo ideas that are relatively easy to implement
  2. Advanced photo projects: If you already know your camera relatively well
  3. Exercises for the photographic eye: Training for your photographic eye

So there is something for both beginners and advanced photographers.

Creative photo motifs for your home

Do you think there are no exciting photo opportunities in your apartment? That's not true! You can also take really creative photos at home.

# 1 Your kitchen: photo opportunities wherever you look

Some of the best photo opportunities at home can be found in your kitchen. You can probably spend a whole week there just taking photos.

So, open your drawers and cabinet doors and see what you can find there: plates, straws, forks, pasta - all of these are wonderful photo opportunities.

# 2 Photograph patterns and structures

You can find them everywhere - really! And once you see them, you see them constantly and always. Searching for structures and patterns in your four walls is really fun and it trains your photographic eye enormously.

Typical places for structures and patterns are e.g. B. blankets, leather, wallpaper, wood, curtains, floors, pillows, lampshades, carpets, bookshelves, cabinets and much more. So actually almost everything in your apartment.

# 3 Photograph still lifes

The word still life reminds us of our school days and somehow we always associate it with something old-fashioned and boring.

But, you know what? That's nonsense. Still lifes are actually really cool - especially when you can determine for yourself what the still life can look like.

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If you get this negative feeling when you hear the word still life, try to shake off the discomfort and take a neutral approach. You'll be surprised how fun it can be to photograph still lifes.

But what is a still life anyway? To put it simply: A still life consists of various objects that are creatively arranged to create a pretty picture.

Very classic still lifes often show things like bouquets of flowers or fruit baskets, but you can let your creativity run wild.

Why not take a picture of a still life made of dirty shoes and socks or of electrical devices and cables? Add a suitable background and the photo motif is ready.

Or how about a minimalist still life against a neutral background? It can look really cool too.

# 4 Put everything on red

No, you shouldn't go to the casino now and put all your savings on red. This task is about finding motifs of a certain color and setting them in scene.

It doesn't have to be red either. Just take your favorite color and go on a hunt for motifs. Search in your closets, on shelves, and on your walls.

After that, of course, it continues, because now you have to put these motifs in scene. How about B. with a minimalist photo or a still life in one color?

# 5 Photograph exciting details

When looking for photo motifs, also pay attention to the small details.

Just stand in the middle of a room, armed with your camera, and choose an object. Then you take a closer look at the item. Does it offer an exciting detail?

The answer is actually always: "Yes". Every common object has exciting details to offer for the lens: the seam of the leather chair, the screw on the door handle, the signature of a picture, the zipper of a jacket. There are so many details to discover that we simply no longer notice in everyday life.

So this task has two advantages - you practice taking pictures and notice things around you that your eye would normally not even notice.


# 6 Photograph everything that is round

Another cool project that is really fun and sharpens the photographic eye: Go consciously through your own four walls and look for everything that is round.

Here, too, you will be surprised at how many motifs you suddenly notice that you did not even perceive as such before.

# 7 Play with blurring consciously

We actually prefer to avoid blurry photos . Mostly they are accidentally caused by incorrect settings or too fast movements.

But you can also consciously use blurring as a stylistic device. As is so often the case in photography, there is no right or wrong.

So just play with the focus of your camera, maybe even set it to manual and consciously take blurry photos.

Window panes with raindrops are a nice stylistic device for blurry photos. The background is completely out of focus and therefore appears abstract.

# 8 light and shadow

At home you can play wonderfully with light and shadow and conjure up very special photos from your motifs.

All you need is a light source. A desk lamp or a floor lamp with a swivel lampshade are best for this. Add a background that is as neutral as possible and the experimental setup is complete.

# 9 capture the time in your photos (long-term project)

We would like to recommend this photo idea to you in particular: Record the time in your photos.

What do we mean by that? You photograph a certain subject once a day, preferably always from the same perspective.

You record in your pictures how your subject changes over time. There are no limits to the imagination in this project either. Your project can last for two weeks or over 20 years.

For example, a short-term project would be a bouquet of flowers that you photograph once a day and capture how it slowly wilts. Or you or your partner can grow a beard and you capture this process in your photos.

Can it be a little longer? Maybe you have a front yard and can take a year to photograph how it changes over the seasons.

If you have offspring, you can z. B. take a portrait of your child every day or once a week and document the process of growing up with it.

There are so many different options. How do things change over time? Or maybe they won't change at all? Is the environment just changing?

Let your creativity run free and get started with a cool project today! The results of such a long-term project are often super exciting.

# 10 layout pictures or flatlays

Flatlays? Never heard? It doesn't matter. You can also call it a laying picture, but of course that doesn't sound as cool by far. Flatlays are particularly popular on Instagram.

So what is a flatlay? A flatlay is an arrangement of objects that lie flat on a surface and are photographed from above.

In the end, a flatlay is not that different from a still life - the only difference is that you photograph it from above.

So choose different objects and arrange them so that an exciting picture is created.

A background that is as neutral as possible is particularly important for this exercise. Flatlays often work best on monochrome surfaces.

And then it gets exciting. A look through the camera shows you how your objects look on the respective background. Then it's time to optimize, rearrange objects and add suitable accessories until the perfect photo is ready at some point.

# 11 portrait photography

Portrait photos always work. You don't have to go outside to take good portraits. This also works wonderfully at home.

Incidentally, the sample images were also taken indoors, in natural light and without any large equipment. In addition to our cameras, we only used a tripod for this so that we always have the same section. But you can also take photos like this by hand.


# 12 Take photos of your food

How about if you not only fuss over your food, but take a photo of it beforehand?

Of course, that doesn't mean that you just snap your food and it's done. The greatest work is not the photography itself, but above all arranging for the perfect photo.

You can also take photographs of the entire process of eating. First you arrange the individual ingredients in a flatlay. Then you photograph the finished food, of course also nicely arranged. And if you want to have the documentation complete, you end up photographing the empty plate. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

The first 12 photo ideas can all be implemented with relatively simple means. Now there are a few more projects that are a bit more complex, but all the more exciting.

# 13 Photograph drops of water

Photographing water is a lot of fun because you can get to know your camera really well.

By playing with the shutter speed of your camera, you can freeze the movement of the water (very fast shutter speed) or record the flowing movements of the water (slow shutter speed).

If you now say: "Huh, what time?", We can only warmly recommend our online photography course to you .

To take a photo like our example image, you need two people. But you can also do it alone, it's just a little more complicated.

To do this, fill a vessel with water, e.g. B. a large bowl and drops an object into the water from above, e.g. B. a small candy. Now you just have to take the trigger at the right moment with a very short shutter speed and your photo is ready.

Of course, when you have someone to throw the item in the water for you, it's a lot easier. But you can also do this yourself and put your camera on a tripod and work with your self-timer.

# 14 Photograph smoke

No, you should not set a fire in the apartment to create smoke. We definitely don't want to encourage you to do anything stupid. It is quite sufficient if you just light a match.

The best way to do this is with a second person. The easiest way to create smoke is to light a match and blow it out - or let it blow out - and then pull the trigger on your camera.

Here you should pay attention to a short shutter speed and above all a neutral background!

# 15 Photographing soap bubbles

Soap bubbles are also great for taking great photos. And quite apart from the fact that soap bubble photos really make a difference, you also get to know your camera really well because you have to react quickly.

The soap bubbles don't just keep still in the air for you. Again, it is best to use a relatively short shutter speed. Correct focusing is also a challenge in this task. Try it.

# 16 Optical illusions

This photo project requires a lot of creativity. The more space you have at home, the more options you have.

For the arrangement, as in our example image, you need a table, a straight wall and as much space as possible between the table and the wall.

# 17 Light Painting: Painting with light

For us, one of the most fascinating types of photography is light painting, i.e. painting with light.

However, this is by far the most difficult exercise in this article. In addition to a tripod, you also need a dark room for this, so this is a perfect exercise for night owls. Ideally, you also have a second person to help you.

Light painting is about using a light source to paint shapes in the air, which you then capture on your photo with a very long exposure.

Simple exercises for the photographic gaze

You now have enough motive ideas. Now we have three great exercises for you that you can do every now and then to train your photographic eye.

The exercises are great for beginners. But even if you've been taking pictures for a long time, they are really fun.

# 18 Find 22 motifs in one room

All you need for this exercise is your camera, you can even do it with your smartphone.

To do this, go into a room in your apartment and look for exciting photo motifs. The aim is for you to find and photograph 22 different motifs. Great photo opportunities are often hidden behind the most everyday objects. You just have to discover it and put it in the limelight.

Have you photographed 22 photo subjects in one room? Then you can repeat the exercise directly in another room.

We recommend this exercise to all photo beginners, because it trains the photographic eye like no other.


# 19 Take 10 photos of a subject

You can do the second exercise immediately afterwards. Did you take a photo of each 22 photo subjects? Then we add another task to the level of difficulty: Now take 10 different photos of each of these motifs.

Sounds complicated? Is not it. There are so many options: Change your perspective and photograph your subject from above, from below, from the side. You can also combine your motif with another object or experiment with light and shadow.

This task not only trains your photographic eye, but also your creativity.

# 20 motifs from AZ

This exercise is always a nice pastime and you can do it wonderfully at home: Photograph 26 motifs - one for each letter of the alphabet (e.g. A for apple, B for book, C for cream).

For each letter there are more motifs than you think, so you can repeat this exercise from time to time. Only with Q and X do we often run out of ideas. But creative cheating is of course allowed.

Extra tips for home photography

Finally, we have two more ideas about what you can do around photography at home.

# 21 Get to know your camera properly

Have you always wondered what all the buttons on your camera are for and what all the settings in the menu mean?

Then just take the time and explore your camera, because it can certainly do a lot that you have no idea about. For example, explore the possibilities of autofocus or discover the integrated flash.

We are very sure that there will be some aha effects. Take your manual and just try out what's possible. Our online photography course is also an ideal companion.

# 22 sort photos

Oh yes. Sort photos. A tiresome topic for many. But we can only warmly recommend this task to you. Because sorting and tidying up is not only good for the soul, but you also create a basis for all other photos you take.

When you sort your photos, take a good look at your photos and think about what you could have done better. This also helps a lot to improve your own photography. We also do this regularly ourselves.

Do you also have a photo idea for your home?

These were our 22 home photography ideas. Do you also have an exciting photo project that you would like to share with us? Then we look forward to your comment.

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