Best Equipment For Low Budget Beautiful Self-Portraits

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Photographing yourself has become a trend. Selfies are as popular as ever; there are tons of tips and ideas on how (to) make the selfie look even better and what to watch out for. If you feel good or if you want to capture the particularly great daily version, the mobile phone is quickly pulled out.

But there is also a higher quality. This is possible thanks to the camera and remote release. But what do you have to consider? Are there differences between a self-portrait and a selfie? Yes there is!

Take a picture of you!

The difference between selfie and self-portrait

In a selfie, primarily the face can be seen. The upper body is cut off at chest level. Self-portraits like to have a slightly larger section. They show more of the people. Or even less. In theory, the head doesn't have to be on it. Unless you want to create a new profile picture. A clear difference between selfie and self-portrait is the equipment .


The equipment

It is best to take a picture of yourself with your camera on a tripod in combination with a remote release . So that you are as unrestricted as possible, it should be wireless. It gets really luxurious when you have a swiveling display. So you can see how you are positioning yourself. Alternatively, there are already many cameras with corresponding apps for the smartphone or a mirror is a must. Something to mark your location is also useful. This will make it easier for you to repeat poses.

... in action

First find a position and mark it on the ground. Now align your camera accordingly. If you want a nice, blurred background, an aperture below 8.0 is advisable. It is best to use the AV mode . The time now sets your camera. Or you leave everything to the automatic. You are a professional, then off to manual mode. When doing self-portraits, I personally want to concentrate on myself and not on the attitudes. You shouldn't go below aperture 2.0. It can quickly happen that parts of your face become blurred. Can look beautiful, but can ruin your image too.


  • camera
  • Remote release / app
  • mark
  • AV mode
  • Aperture 3.5


At eye level

While an elevated position of the smartphone is recommended for selfies, it makes more sense to stay at eye level for self-portraits . The viewer is thus equal to the motif (you). If you want to look a little bigger, you can easily take photos from below. A photograph from above makes you look smaller / more delicate.

A lot helps a lot

In this case, it makes sense to take several pictures in different poses in one go. You rarely find yourself in the same position or pose again. Try out different facial expressions and gestures before you sprint to the camera to see your results.

Stage yourself & have fun!

Why always be the same person in the pictures? Just put on a show! 


Feel good, do nonsense!

You should feel comfortable in your clothes and choose a place where someone doesn't come by every two seconds. This way you can concentrate better on yourself. If you don't succeed in taking a photo and you are slowly becoming frustrated: don't worry, it is the same for everyone! Just take a few grimace pictures to relax. They always work!

NOBODY is unsophisticated!

Don't know how to start

Then just start carefree. For example, just find your chocolate side . Check out the poses and facial expressions of others. Imitate it, be it and yet again you! The great thing about digital photography is that you can delete anything. Nobody needs to see these pictures. However, it can of course be that pictures that you find stupid are really liked by others. Just try it out!

How do you do self portraits? Or is all the fun too stupid for you? Write it in your comment! I find it very refreshing to dance around in front of the camera every now and then.

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