Posing Tips For Self Portraits - Best Poses for Men and Women

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Ah, the hard part. How does the self-portrait posting actually work?


What Do You Want To Show?
Do you just want to take a portrait of yourself? Let's go! Do you want to show a story? Get started - but think about beforehand what exactly you want to show and how you will adapt your pose accordingly.

You could also just pick out a word and try to translate it into a self-portrait. There is also a great challenge for this: Let's get Creative! Every year 52 topics are given and every week a new self-portrait has to be created on this topic. I've participated several times, it never lasted for 52 weeks. Maybe this is something for you!


Many Pictures
Take 3 pictures, take 30 pictures, take 300 pictures. The good thing about self-portraits is that you can't annoy anyone if you are not satisfied (except for yourself ...). It's better to take a few more pictures than too few ... afterwards you sit at your PC and everything is correct, except for the focus, which you didn't see on the small camera display. Damn!


There is no one watching you and there is no one who has to see the pictures afterwards if you don't want to. So give yourself a try! Do something crazy, be tender, playful, vulnerable or strong and tough. Just try it out. You can also “practice” in front of the mirror if you don't want to take a picture every time.

Use your hands as an "accessory" or anything else. Look into the camera or look into the distance. There is nothing wrong with it!


Be Yourself, But Not Yourself
If you feel like you just look weird in self-portraits, or something feels weird, then try being yourself. If that doesn't work, then act a little. Make up a figure. Who do you find strong Emma Watson? Pretend you're Emma Watson. Her pictures always look so beautiful ... get into being Emma Watson; embrace their strength and confidence. And see if the portraits are better then! (At some point you will be yourself because you know that you look really good even without your Spirit Animal Emma!)

Self-Awareness / External Perception
I always find it astonishing how much self-perception and the perception of others diverge. Especially with myself! I took a few photos of myself for the Let's get creative project and showed them to my friend. He immediately tapped a picture and said: “That one, that looks REALLY great!” And I just thought: “What ?? That looks mega stupid, I almost sorted it out "and he just said:" No, believe me, that's it ... "


So I took the photo and put it online. The response was incredible; I've never had so many positive comments about a photo - the perception of others did not at all correspond to the perception of oneself.

If you are unsure which self-portrait to use, feel free to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend or your siblings. You will be amazed which photos they prefer and why.

I hope you enjoyed this post on the subject of self-portraits and were able to take away some tips! I would be happy if you showed me your best self-portrait! Either you send me the link or say hello to me by email 😉 I wish you a really nice weekend!

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