Play With Shadows - Tips To Create Unique Photos With Shadows Photography

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In Shadows Photography , light and shadow belong together - because where there is light there is also shadow.

The interplay of light and shadow is particularly important for image contrast. Only shadows create depth and expression in photos. But you can also abstract the shapes of an object. The type of lighting can contribute to the spatial impression of the photo.

Play With Shadows - Tips To Create Unique Photos With Shadows Photography

 "We are of the opinion that beauty should not be sought in the objects themselves, but in the chiaroscuro, in the shadow play that unfolds between objects" Tanizaki Jun'ichirō - Japanese writer

So shadow is not just a lack of light, but can also be used creatively in photography. The creative shadow effects can create surreal images and reinforce feelings that a motif is supposed to convey. The possible uses and motifs are diverse - from everyday objects to people. In this article we will give you inspiration for creative shadow games and tips on how to depict them graphically.

So let's get into our Play With Shadows - Tips To Create Unique Photos With Shadows Photography article shall we?

Image composition and light

In shadows photography. Take enough time to choose your motif. Because a successful image structure is crucial in the shadow plays. This can direct the viewer's gaze into specific areas and gives the photo special depth. A light area of ​​the picture, framed by shadows, can guide the viewer's attention in a targeted manner. In addition, it should be decided in advance whether a single shadow or several shadows should be in the focus of the subject. Crossing shadows, for example, can develop interesting patterns, but they can also quickly cause too much unrest in the image. In addition, black-and-white photographs increase the contrast between light and shadow and ensure more expression and a special mood in the image.

Play With Shadows - Tips To Create Unique Photos With Shadows Photography

For the perfectly staged shadow, the direction from which the light comes and the type of light source are important. Not every direction of light and every light source is suitable for every motif. The exposure time and the aperture setting can vary for indoor and outdoor photos. Therefore, bracketing is a good way of ensuring that you don't miss the perfect picture.

The histogram is a good guide for photographing shadow play. It will help you to arrange the darkest and lightest picture effects on the pictures and thus avoid clipping. Clipping describes the process in which the digital image sensors change to pure white and light or dark areas no longer show any drawing. However, problems with the dynamic range of the subject can arise in shadow photography. For this reason, it is advisable to take the photos in RAW format. This gives you leeway in correcting and editing the photos in order to increase the dynamic range of the subject afterwards.

Outdoor shadow photography games

When taking pictures outdoors, the available light from the sun must be used. Depending on the lighting conditions, weak and strong shadows can arise that can themselves function as motifs.

In the morning and evening hours, the sunlight falls flat on the earth, creating long shadows in the grazing light. Especially in the golden hour, which creates long and dynamic shadows, you can take unique photos with warm tones. But the winter months are also advantageous for shadow photography, as the sun is low during the day and therefore casts long shadows. In the autumn and winter time, further interesting shadow motifs arise in forests or in fog. When the weak sunlight falls through a canopy of leaves in a forest or through fog, a beautiful play of light and shadow photography is created.

Play With Shadows - Tips To Create Unique Photos With Shadows Photography

Indoor shadow photography games

The shadow plays do not have to be made outside, but can also be photographed indoors with the help of artificial light sources.

The direction of light and the light source when taking photos are particularly important when playing shadows indoors. Dark and sharp shadow edges are created using light sources that are far away or smaller. Blurred and lighter shadow edges, on the other hand, are made possible with an extended and close light source. Several light sources from different light directions lead to a superimposition of the shadows, which ensure a targeted dynamic in the image.

The main focus of shadow play indoors is on conscious experimentation with the light sources and directions of light. When using a fast lens, it is advisable to increase the sensitivity of the sensor, i.e. the ISO value. But be careful: If the ISO value is exhausted too much, this can lead to qualitative restrictions and image noise!


Creative shadow effects can be created with the help of grazing light falling on smaller objects. The image created by the shadow generator can easily be changed by manipulating the angle of incidence and the light. By enlarging or distorting the motif, i.e. the shadow source, using this technique, a change can be achieved beyond recognition. In addition, the object can also be shown in the photo with its shadow. Thus, shadows can not only create mass and depth in photos, but can also be imaginatively and playfully staged. Everyday objects such as cutlery forks, porcelain or the like are suitable for the photographic works of art, but nature also offers numerous motif options.

Have fun experimenting!

This was our "Play With Shadows - Tips To Create Unique Photos With Shadows Photography" article for you. I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave us your question down below in the comments. We would love to hear from you.

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